Roslindale Gardens
Roslindale Gardens provides an attractive park for the neighborhood while maintaining a sense of enclosure and privacy for its residents. Structured beds complement the formality of the building’s architecture; a hedge of evergreen holly lined with flowering shrubs sets the garden apart from the street while allowing passersby glimpses of bright perennials and a cooling fountain. All the materials—walls, paving, furniture, and plants—are chosen to create lasting beauty with minimal maintenance.
More than a setting for housing, the gardens provide a variety of places to go and things to see and do for its residents and the neighborhood. The garden has three areas: a formal entrance garden facing South Street, a sunny vegetable garden for residents and neighbors to plant together, and a shady garden for quiet reading and reflection.


Old Longfellow School, 1998

Adding topsoil, 2001

Mayor Menino opens gardens, 2001


Crab trees in fruit

View of path

Fountain, 2001

Fountain, 2004

Fall fountain planting, 2003

December roses, 2003

Hydrangeas, 2004

Cimicifuga, 2004


Spirea and crab apples, October 2004

Spirea, late November 2004